CPR/AED Certifications
Affordable, Flexible, Certified, Licensed, and Insured
For years now, The Aquatic Connection has been providing organizations of all sizes with employee wellness, CPR/AED, and safety training programs to comply with OSHA, American Red Cross, and American Heart Association's standards. Trained staff members not only help save lives but often lower your facility's liability exposure. Most workplaces require AEDs and a minimum of OSHA-approved first aid kits. We have the flexibility to offer training when and where it's most convenient for you. Get your employees certified quickly. Our network of certified trainers are ready to come to you to certify your staff in as little as four hours!
Which COurse Fits Your Needs?
SPeak with An Instructor Trainer TOday!
No account is too large (or small) for us to accommodate.
We handle all logistics from training curriculum and facility management to instructor coordination and scheduling. We believe that each organization is unique, to fit your training needs, schedule a call with one of our Instructor Trainers Today!